Many of you personally know or have seen news reports about students who experience some sort of bullying or verbal or physical aggression at school. I had requested a report from the administration about student discipline and violence issues in the district and an explanation of the policies and procedures currently in place to address those behaviors when they occur so that we could listen and decide if any further study or adjustments might be needed.
I am glad to share with you that it has been placed on the agenda (which will be published at…/SB_MeetingListing… at least 24 hours before the meeting) for this month’s school board meeting on Thursday, 4/11. Please accept this as an invitation to come hear how Ozark responds when the learning environment is disrupted. Community engagement is an essential part of effective governance, so if you have any contributions you’d like to offer to help the District find the best practices on the topic, then, please know, the district benefits from hearing your input.
You’ll find the guidelines for public comment at meetings at board policy BDDH-1 (e.g., speakers are limited to 5 minutes, must address a topic on the agenda, etc.) and also more info at policy KL. Be sure to sign up on the sheet for public comments before the meeting starts.