Thursday night, Feb. 22, at 7pm is the regular monthly school board meeting in Ozark. As always, the agenda is posted at least one day before the meeting at…/SB_MeetingListing…. The agenda includes a Zoom link if you are not able to be at the meeting in person, and the District now records and posts the past meetings online, too, on the same page with the minutes of those past meetings, at
This month, we’re discussing several items, including a new teacher job description, some change orders for the construction, vehicle leases, and several other items including next year’s school calendar. There are also the assistant superintendent reports with updates on all the departments, like learning and operations, and finance.
Come share your input, or, as always, you can write. Contact info for board members is located at If that doesn’t work for you, feel free to contact me at The schools are better with the community’s involvement!!