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After the Mid-May Meeting

Your input on proposed policy changes is invited for the May 30 Ozark School Board special meeting. Location & Time: District office, 1600 W. Jackson St., from 4-7pm (agenda linked below).
UPDATE: Open session start time might now be more like 5:30 or 6pm for this special session as there is some closed session business first.

As more agenda details and administrative reports become available to the public, you are encouraged to address specific concerns and questions starting with a teacher or building principal. The building principal is equipped to address many concerns. The Superintendent is the next person in the process, followed by the School Board. (The District’s organizational chart can be found at )

Of course, any member of the public can address the board via e-mail (Board member District-hosted email addresses can be found at or by speaking at an upcoming meeting. Agenda items from “learning” to “operations” to “business” (i.e., curriculum, maintenance, and budget), and more, are almost always included. Community members wishing to add an agenda item can submit a request to the superintendent. This must be done 5 days before a scheduled meeting.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As an elected representative of your values and beliefs to the Ozark School Board, I definitely welcome your feedback on key issues. At the May 11th board meeting, proposed policy changes were tabled for further discussion. These items can be found at…/SB_MeetingListing… (You may need to choose the meeting from 5/11, then select item “XX.iii. Approve MSBA Policy Changes.” or possibly…/ViewMeeting.aspx… ) Proposed changes are highlighted.)

Some of these changes have been put forth by MSBA to help school boards stay aligned with changes in law. BDDH-1 and KC involve public participation at board meetings, another involves budget discussions, and some include language changes around possessive pronouns. (Policies JFGA, JHDA, DJFA) The intent behind these possessive pronoun changes, for example using “their” in place of “his or her”, is not outlined. The questions being raised thus far from the Ozark Community is why such language changes are necessary and what purpose do they serve?

I’d like to offer you the chance to make your preferences known. One option is to simply respond here on this post or directly e-mail me a message at: or, if there are delivery problems, at

Again, in the effort of increased transparency and community engagement, your feedback is welcomed on these important topics.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you in ensuring Ozark schools are guided by the best standards! I hope to see at least some of you this Tuesday, May 30. 🙂

**Please note that all thoughts and opinions expressed by me are my own.
I speak solely for myself and do not intend to represent the Board to you in any way in anything I say.
I do, however, fully intend to do my job representing YOU to the board! 😉

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