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About the January 2024 meeting

The January meeting of the Ozark School Board was fairly routine, with construction updates and change orders to approve along with some updates to job descriptions to approve. As the agenda shows (found at ) — and as many have already heard from other sources — some real estate matters were approved these past few months, too: the Board purchased the other half of the OIC building which had previously housed Dolby, as well as approved the sale of two other properties. District patrons (i.e., the taxpayers!) can request from the District office the minutes from the closed sessions showing votes on motions as they become public and available.

This School District belongs to the community, and it’s the job of the Board to manage it in the way that best reflects the community’s wishes. Please be sure to let the Board know how you would prefer that to happen! Contact information can be found at or, if that doesn’t work for you, you can always email me at

We look forward to seeing you at the February monthly meeting on Thursday, February 22 — note that this month the meeting is on the 4th Thursday rather than the third one.

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